Why Cybalink Solutions is the Preferred Outsourcing Partner
Cybalink’s staff are well-organised, articulate and fully understand their jobs. Their experience speaks for themselves, they are engaging and are passionate about their job. I like the fact that the team are empowered well enough and do not look to [management] to validate what they are saying. Their level of confidence won me over there and then. – Finance Manager of a Trusted Regional Commercial Construction Company
Satisfying a Company experienced in outsourcing
This regional commercial construction company was not new to outsourcing. Being a part of The Executive Connections (TEC) in Australia, their Senior Management Team members are knowledgeable on outsourcing and what it can do for their business. As part of the Company’s Client Satisfaction Survey, Cybalink reached out recently to understand their thought process on how Cybalink emerged as their top choice from a total of ten Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies and their list of considerations. Because this company had already outsourced estimating tasks previously, they have certain expectations on what to look for when they finally take on the right BPO to work with.
A change in departments and an empty seat in Accounts Payable (AP) and the requirement for more QS/Estimators became the catalyst to start talking to outsourcing providers more seriously. From ten potential BPO partners, they further narrowed it down to two, with Cybalink being a strong contender. Cybalink’s access to a global talent pool that follows through an extensive onboarding support was ultimately one of the deciding factors that edged out other competitors. The list below gives an in-depth insight as to how this multi-awarded regional construction company came about their decision, and how Cybalink Solutions was, inevitably, the RIGHT choice for them.
Cybalink Solutions’ Managing Director and Co-Founder, Kim Lombardi’s extensive knowledge and experience of over 17 years in the Engineering and Construction industries became its stronghold for Cybalink’s overall industry specialisation track record. Given this level of experience and familiarity, it was seen as a great asset and a key differentiator.
A company that understands specific standards of your industry will not simply provide you with generic by-the-book outsourcing solutions, but a personalised one. – Kim Lombardi

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Cybalink knew the right questions to ask a potential Accounts Payable (AP) specialist on top of what the client has specified for its job description and requirements. Cybalink hires as if they are hiring for themselves, with a complete comprehension of what is to be expected from an AP (or any specialised role) within your industry.
Business Model
As a company who cares a lot about their values, it was imperative that this showed in how they do business with others and through whom they did business with. So a lot of their thought processes in regard to the decision-making is to confirm that the selected company is someone they can build a long-term relationship with.
The outsourcing services provider must match their way of handling business.
While an outsourcing giant may often attract clients easily because having large numbers possibly mean good business, this particular client sees it differently. They choose quality over quantity when it comes to the way business creates revenue—something that aligns with Cybalink’s values and objectives as well. Cybalink remains focused on its industrial specialisation, not simply taking on every project that comes its way. Each opportunity is assessed and considered against its expertise—something sets Cybalink apart from others in the field, and ultimately makes them the right fit for their clients.
Through careful selection of who they work with, Cybalink is able to maintain their excellent standards of outsourcing excellence. This, coupled with their efficient workflow system, access to specialised target selection with ongoing performance management and support have become the evidence for how Cybalink expanded its global footprint from Australia, to the USA, and since 2019, to the United Kingdom as well.
Personalised Interaction
Service and Knowledge
While it was not a requirement for Cybalink to stay in touch with the client over the period of 12 months until the roles that required to be filled came up, Cybalink remained available regardless. This became a key factor in the client’s decision to engage with Cybalink—simply that they were available to respond to any and all questions, even providing advice outside of appointments. It was clear that Cybalink is an outsourcing partner that provides 24/7 global access. According to the client representative, “I’ve never felt like I was asking too many questions”.
The last step before the appointment, the client visited the Philippines and conducted site visits to the remaining BPO companies whom they were considering to work with. Cybalink continued to be of assistance to them in a professional manner by getting everything ready for their visit. From arranging the office tour and meeting the direct team, to giving tips on navigating the traffic and accommodation recommendations; even referring activities they could do to maximise their trip. It was that kind of service and hospitality that may not have been expected but was truly appreciated.
“Cybalink takes an interest in your business because they know it is important to you—what’s important to you, is important to them.”
High-Calibre People
As with most companies of their stature, what’s important to this Cybalink client is the people. This is why the site visit was crucial for them to know if what is being sold to them is true. They have an acute sense of responsibility in ensuring that their offshore team will be treated well and that their working condition and environment is conducive for output of high-level productivity. Having met Cybalink’s dedicated Performance Service Manager, it became clear to this Trusted Regional Construction Company that they’ve found their rightful match.
Cybalink’s staff are well-organised, articulate, and fully understand their jobs. Their experience speaks for themselves. They are engaged and are passionate about their jobs. I like the fact that the team are empowered well enough and do not look to [management] to validate what they are saying. Their level of confidence won me over there and then. – Finance Manager of a Construction Company
Cybalink’s team who fronted their site visit meeting consisted of Kim Lombardi and her team of Client Service & Performance Supervisors (CSPS). The CSPS play a key role in ensuring seamless communications between the client and their offshore team. They also provide useful insights into culture introduction and integration between the client and the offshore team and continually manage and refine the KPI’s laid out for each role. In order to have a better feel for the team that they will be working with at Cybalink, the client also met with the Operations team and Human Resources who are directly involved in sourcing for candidates. Not only that, the client also picked up on a workplace personality tool that Cybalink employs, a unique method that looks into the psychology of a candidate versus what they would portray during an interview. This has proven very useful when deciding on which candidate will be most suitable for the role as well as be the right fit for the company required. And because Cybalink has a quality selection of candidates lined up, sourced from a large international global talent pool, it allows the client to be able to look through the best of the best for their perfect match.
You will find that there are many BPO companies in the Philippines that are doing amazing things for a number of industries globally. That is exactly the competitive edge of outsourcing your team—you’ll get to expand your search to a wider pool of global talent. And with Cybalink Solutions, you know you’re dealing with an outsourcing company that has spent years building up their talents and specialising in Engineering and Construction industry experts. The desire to maintain focus on these key industries is essential in being able to provide clients with top-notch professionals. By taking care of their clients and their community, Cybalink’s solutions contribute to a greater cause. Cybalink provides clients with access to better resources and working with personable people. Delivering what they promise, they adhere to having total transparency and being open about expectations. Cybalink’s dynamic team celebrates wins together, and supports and enables your growth with highly productive, offshore teams.
Cybalink Solutions aim is to deliver outsourcing excellence by empowering and enabling innovation. Through collaborative partnerships and fostering our belief in community spirit, and the desire to be something more – for ourselves as individuals and most importantly as a company. – Kim Lombardi, Managing Director

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